Gye Nyame Development Foundation(GNDF) is a Charity/Non-Governmental organisation which concerns itself with the total development of mankind. GNDF has through the year’s sought to bridge the gap between the privilege and the under privileged. Ensuring some smile if not the ‘Same Smile 4 All’.Cornelis Des Bouvrie and Kingsley Dickson during their 1997 National Service in Simbrofo Village, Gomoa District of the Central Region and Dansoman District in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, West Africa respectively, observed how rural and urban folks were struggling with their basic daily needs and with little or no infrastructures, books and teaching aids/materials in schools leading to unrealistic outcomes.
In exploring ways and avenues to help offset the sufferings of the community especially thechildren, in April 2001 ‘Cornel’s Human Development Foundation was birthed to provide humanitarian needs to the poor and the deprived. On 11th July 2007 we registered as GYE NYAME DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION in Ghana with the NGO Registration D.S.W./4476.
On the 19th of October 2001 the UK branch was formally formed and setup as Head Office by Kingsley Dickson with the support of Cornelis Des Bouvrie and hard work of others to help tackle the rise in anti-social behaviour and promoting positive youth development in disadvantaged communities in the UK.
Over six years of hard work and determination GNDF(UK) got registered with the Charity Commission of the United Kingdom on the 5th of June 2007 as GYE NYAME DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, registered no.1119482.
Aim and Objectives
To assist and care for the needy children and orphans in the remote areas, To assist the youth, street children and school drop-outs in acquiring employable skills, To provide scholarship schemes and books to the needy but brilliant children, To provide used clothing and food the needy, hospitals and orphanages.
Vision Statement
To be an International Organization, this reaches the society with solutions to their Physical and Social Needs. Thus seeking to nature and create the enabling atmosphere for the maximization of their potential and physical well being.
To become an International Organization
A great commission to reach out to the world even the utmost part of the world.
Using globalization trend which is gradually turning the world into a global village.
This reaches the society with solutions
Physical - The prevalence of poverty making it necessary to extend a supporting hand to the deprived in society.
Social - In view of underdeveloped talent due to unfavourable environment which calls for social support for a favourable environment for growth.
Mission Statement
To educate, support and alleviate poverty in UK and Ghanaian communities.
Field of Operations
Programmes and projects of the organization will be rural community based the majority of deprived people who need help are in rural areas,e.g.in Africa, Middle East,Asia,etc.
However deprived people in urban areas may also benefit in everyway. Especially among young people in the UK and Europe.
Membership is voluntary and open to all who have heart to help deprived and less privileged people in the society. But we normally hope you give some money towards membership.
The organization is also open to other organizations and people who have the same or similar objective and wish to affiliate with the organization both locally and internationally.
There is a popular saying that” The way to a man’s heart is through his belly”.So with the passion to reach the heart of men, we will start by providing Humanitarian services as these will make it easier for us to meet the needs of people around the world.